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Home » In the Ancient News: “Reading” Greek pots; Israeli mosaic tours US

In the Ancient News: “Reading” Greek pots; Israeli mosaic tours US

1. For those of you who have stood in front of a museum case of gorgeous Greek vases and wondered what it all meant, here is a guide from the Wall Street Journal to get you started. For a more detailed version, you’ll have to fly me to your location and I’ll gladly explain all the juicy mythological details. (Just kidding, although once in the British Museum with my son perched on my shoulders, I did turn to discover I was being followed by a large group as I told him the wild tales depicted on the vases in front of us. An occupational hazard, I guess!) WSJ link to Reading a Greek Vase.

2. Here’s another great article about a series of almost perfectly preserved Roman mosaics found in Israel. They are currently touring in the US. WSJ link to Roman Mosaics.

6 thoughts on “In the Ancient News: “Reading” Greek pots; Israeli mosaic tours US”

  1. Thanks for sharing your wisdom. Although I have not been out of North America, your travel adventures convince me that my own dreams of travel are going to be grand. I enjoyed visiting your site and learning about your book.
    Best of luck,

  2. I'll never forget the gold Greek earrings I saw in a case at the Louvre. Timeless. I don't remember seeing pottery but I don't really understand this topsy-turvey jug. But thanks for the great links, interesting.

  3. I like to look for the story on any Greek pot. Somewhere you'll find the telltale clues to which old tale is being depicted–that guy has a gorgon on his shield or this warrior is about to pierce the throat of a female warrior with their eyes locked…(that would be Achilles and the Amazon queen, not to be confused with an online book seller) and then you circle around and see which part or parts of the story the painter has chosen, what mythical moment is frozen there.

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