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Writing Better Dialogue Workshop

hands on typewriter for dialogue workshop

The Writer’s Connection at Desert Foothills Library is hosting me. I’ll teach a dialogue workshop (on Zoom) July 1, 1-3 pm Arizona time. It’s free and open to everyone. Here’s the Writer’s Connection link with the information. You will need to RSVP by emailing and then receive the Zoom link.

Topic: Writing Better Dialogue

dialogue illustration of people with talk bubbles over their heads

Great dialogue speeds a novel along. It builds subtle character development, furthers the action, adds tension to conflicts, layers in subtext, and draws the reader in close. How do you make all that happen and avoid the many pitfalls? And how do you fix yours when it isn’t all you need it to be? In this workshop, we’ll learn to hear our characters as distinct individuals, surround the “talking heads” with physical and emotional grounding, place dialogue into deep point of view, and develop some handy but simple editing tools for improvement once it’s on the page.

As we go through these topics, participants will be given exercises to apply to their own characters and dialogue, whether from a current work-in-progress or as inspiration to get going with something new.

Here for a post about Writing Secondary Characters.